It's my pleasure to have you as my witness in my growing days!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

CNY trip (4 Feb to 17 Feb 2008)

Dear everyone, I have not updated my blog for so long as Mama failed to log in due to cookies functionality problems.

Now, I want to introduce to you who I met during my last CNY trip.
  1. Youngest aunt 姑姑

  2. Eldest uncle 叔叔

  3. Grandpa & Grandma公公奶奶

  4. 2 brothers of family Phang, Singapore

  5. My 6th Granduncle & Grandaunt六姨丈公六姨婆, Singapore
  6. The family of Yang in Singapore (Stand left: 2nd-Uncle Roy小表舅, 3rd-Uncle Chee Kee大表舅)

  7. My 5th Grandaunt五姑婆 & Little Aunt小姑姑 in Balakong, Family Lee

  8. My 6th Granduncle & Grandaunt六姑公六姑婆 in KL, Family Lee (My Granduncle is a TAE-KWONDO trainer)

  9. My youngest Granduncle & Grandaunt小舅公小舅婆, Family Yang

  10. Grand Rev. Chi Chern in 继程法师公公Taiping - see my post

  11. Grand Uncle Chiam詹公公 in Taiping - see our hair

  12. Grandma外婆, Skudai

  13. Grandaunt小姨婆, Skudai, Family Chan

  14. Aunt阿姨, Puchong

  15. Uncle姨丈, Puchong

  16. Youngest uncle小舅舅, Puchong

  17. Cousin 表姐- Xiao Hui晓慧, Puchong

  18. Aunt Ji Ji琪琪姨姨(未来婶婶), Grandaunt (not in the photo) & Granduncle - Parents of aunt Ji Ji in Taiping

  19. Friends of mama - best friend: Ai Fei Aunt蔼慧姨姨 (Standing: 1st left) , Grand Teacher Lian 连老师婆婆(Standing: 2nd right)

& a lot more who I did not take photo with them -

20. 2nd Granduncle & granduncle 二舅公二舅婆in Skudai Family Yang, Little uncle 表舅- Roy Yang

21. Grandpa外公

22. Uncle & Auntie 大舅大舅母

23. Grand Rev Kai Ji开继法师婆婆

24. Aunt Shang Niu善妞姨姨

25.Uncle Geim Hwa锦华叔叔

26.Uncle Chee Gee志义叔叔

27. Aunt Pei Lee佩立姨姨

28. Grand Rev Ji Li继理法师婆婆

29. Grand Rev Kong Yuan空源法师公公

30. Uncle Yaw Teck耀德叔叔

31. Aunt Koon Yau坤瑶姨姨

32. Aunt Mee Wan敏云姨姨

33. Uncle Kok Hooi国辉叔叔

Still, a lot more - I can't finish their names... Mama, Help!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow...everybody seems like love him very muchie wonder he keeps "acting" cute...haha~~