It's my pleasure to have you as my witness in my growing days!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Mama took a shirt and decided to wear me up. We were going to the opening ceremony of 20th YBAM Bienniel Convention at Kulai.

Mama said: Zhe, come & wear this shirt. See, 23.

The shirt has an embroided 23.

I looked at 23, then I asked Mama: 24 leh?


I flipped on my favourite song books.

Each page has a numbering: 1, 2, 3. I started to count.

When I turned to the last page. That's 36. I lifted my head and ask Ah Gong: 37 leh?


There are a few clocks in the book.

From clockwise, I read loudly, 1, 2, 3.... 12.

Then I looked at Mama, 13, 13 leh?

1 comment:

Vickylow said...

Very clever boy, he can recognize the following numbers.